Tuesday, November 7, 2023

My RA (Deformities, Accommodating and Tolerating)

It wasn't a simple or fast decision to go forward in my life with a horse... let alone an untouched wild one. 

I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis just after turning 36. Life then took a 180ยบ turn. Since that time it has been pain, inconvenience, sometimes misery, a ton of introspection and evaluation, and a lot of acceptance and tolerance. Oh, and a lot of drugs.

In the big picture I very much appreciate its showing up in my life. But that is another blog.

As said in the last post, I have started trying a little Masterson Method (Jim Masterson). I love it and need to review much more... what I am doing is no doubt a poor example but it has seemed fairly effective so far. Karen Rohlf also uses some wonderful concepts such as moving massage that I plan to incorporate.

I was trying some of this on Kai and as SO OFTEN happens, I could not use my hand as you are "supposed" to. See pic. My wrist is a straight line; my brain is telling it to flex back but it simply mechanically can not. So I can't place a flat palm on anything. The palm is often the best part of your body to use to exert a feeling or energy. It is terribly frustrating for me that I have to use the back sides of my hands and fingers... but that is the deal! Do not mean to complain, it is simply an observation and a slight amusement. Like my decision to "go for it" with the horse itself, you have to go for it - in spite of all of life's bumps in the roads. ...I am trying!!

As far as I can bend back!!

At least I have a hand... and can accommodate..

I can't be too upset since doing this a few times on each side seemed to put her to sleep.

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