Friday, November 3, 2023

Advances in Touching Hind Legs

Some people use ropes or a long lead line to get mustangs or untrained horses accustomed to their legs and feet being touched (and eventually picked up). Thus far I am having more success with my own hands. She is generally more skittish with the lead line or rope on her legs. Having said that, I also see that I need to work on that at the same time - I would like her to be comfortable with all of it. This requires attention to the horse's attitude since your body/head are down there closer to thew potential source of a kick.

You can see at 1:10 I hit her threshold (her left front leg) but then after that she allowed me to linger at the knee a bit longer. She's quite good at 1:44, but then gives me a warning when I go deeper, with her head checking with me, I ignored it so up the leg goes. I then give us a pause... Wait for her to take a step toward me (which I use as indication that she is ready again), and I go in.... this time (2:14-2:22) she allows me to not only stay there but even scratch a little. Notice when I go just below the knee she again gets concerned (her head coming around to check with me, but she doesn't lift; I immediately take my hand away as reward.

I am also starting to work with the lunge whip in getting her used to the feel of things all over her. Next post!

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