Wednesday, November 22, 2023

More Feet Stuff

She definitely prefers my hand over the rope.  So I am working with hands up front. She's fairly willing; gets a little paw-y, but I tried to keep the foot up and then place it forward. Don't want it placed back (like an evasion), but after I get it forward she brings it back anyway. At least she is not making a giant effort to go backward.

Now the back where I am using a rope.... See the kicking out! Trying to 1) get her used to pressure, 2) hold for a millisecond?? then let foot down ahead as in a step as opposed to behind. At about 1:02 I reward her since she just lifted and dropped forward rather than kicked. But it was a millisecond.

(Apologies for a long wait period here)... She's still not used to it. This video doesn't show much beyond some of the general difficulties in getting a horse to lift its hoof - and let you mess with it!


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