Yesterday Kai was laying down in the pen. Tori and I went in to see if we could hang out near her without disturbing her. Kai was at the higher area (where she rolls) and Tori and I went into the shed at the lower area. I began sweeping hay, and Tori casually decided to go up by Kai.
In herds there is often one (or more) horse(s) that stand "guard" while others lay down to rest. It was like Tori knew this and went to be the sentinel.
I cut out a few minutes of video because Tori was there so long... just hanging out and looking out!
As Tori hung out, Kai got more comfortable (or tired) and eventually let her nose drop into the sand, then went all-out and lay on her side. And Tori remained.
Tori continues to impress me with all her "skills", loyalty, focus, playfulness and humor (total clown at times). So glad we made it through those tough first 2-3 years and she is just now THE BEST!!