Monday, October 30, 2023

Working toward the Hind End Legs

 She's just so mellow, but I am going very slow with touching the hind legs.

Trying to make everything comfortable and associated with good stuff. Prior to this I did (earlier in the day) a couple more "tests" to confirm where the threshold is. At 1:16 in this vid I had my hands on her inner back leg (uncomfortable), held it (for under threshold), and then rewarded her.
Working on increasing that time. without reaction and we'll see as her threshold increases!

Also BTW was going to edit out the beginning but she was funny investigating the phone.

Trying to reward more with scratches than treats, but treats are immediately effective. Also, I am starting to "cluck" with a treat. Not going full-throttle into clicker training, but a cluck is immediate and there are benefits to that.

FINALLY, in my last post I used the term "softening at the poll"... Dressage people and technical people, please forgive me...! I'm asking for relaxation (in the neck primarily) but it isn't truly "at the poll". No one called me out on this (thanks) but I realized later I am an idiot. As I often do.

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