Sunday, April 21, 2024

Getting On

 I have yet to fully SIT on her but have had a few sessions to see how she reacts and get her adjusted.

The vids are chronological.

The last is very long but this is how I am doing it. To edit it shorter would take away from the essence of what is happening. I am trying to be aware of her movement and reactions and don't want to push her beyond tolerance. Especially since I am alone (I know, I know - everyone says don't do this alone... and yes "stuff" can always happen but I am reading her as really not caring much at all...).

Goofy Stuff

 The first video is old, but... I found it funny that she mostly licks with the underside of her tongue.

The second is from a few days ago when I had her grazing in the yard. I was on the side and heard hooves in the garage. I guess she had found it an interesting place. Again, thought it was kind of funny.

The large palm frond in the last video fell from one of my trees in the last storm. She was the one who first picked it up and chewed it but by the time I got my phone out to document she was somewhat bored. The end is good though.

Bill and Ethel the Donkeys; Kai's Athletic Disapproval

It's my opinion that Kai really does not like Bill the Donkey (aka "Billdo") sexing after his aging girlfriend Ethel. And she shows off her disapproval through her athleticism.



I have still been working slowly with the mustang... a work project made it impossible to keep up (though six weeks is a long time!).. We attended a casual obstacles session at the Pine Ridge Equestrian Center. As expected, she is fearless and curious. Here are a few videos. No probs at all with the pool noodles.  On a "tunnel" obstacle she bit one of the tarps and slid it off (not the purpose of the obstacle), and the tire was perfect to start, but that was a fluke. After that she just stumbled over it. ...She licked the mailbox.... (typical).