Thursday, February 15, 2024

Video Catchup : Kai's Mouth

 These were taken during a meeting with Kai at Kelby's with no real work happening. I just wanted to catch up on simply being with each other.

Lots of people are wary or warn not to play with a horse's mouth, with fears or beliefs that they become more mouthy and can bite (same for giving treats). I don't. I believe that it is a source of comfort and curiosity for them. 

I let Kai feel each finger; I rub her gums between her teeth and cheek; I play with the area where there are no teeth (the bar). She feels good when we do this. I used to do it with Zante and I swear it helped our relationship immensely. You DO have to be a bit careful. Just pay attention! And enjoy it; it's fun.

I also let her smell anything new. This day I didn't have anything except my cell phone. Makes for a not-award-winning video.

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