Thursday, October 25, 2012

Indian Summer Wolf, watercolor, 13" X 19", SOLD

From my time spent in Wyoming. Available as a print here

Race Point Trekking, 18.5" X 30", watercolor, SOLD

This image was my first to get into the prestigious "Arts for the Parks" national competition. It depicts the great dune areas off Provincetown at Cape Cod National Seashore.

There is a nearly-invisible coyote trekking across the morning landscape. This is available as a print

Red Tail in Flight, 35" X 24", acrylic SOLD

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Looser style than my typical work, I wanted to depict the motion of the hawk and its beautiful striking red tail which can usually only be seen from below if the light hits just right.
Original Acrylic on board
SOLD but a print in any size is available here

Morning Sunsplash; Green Heron, 30" X 20", acrylic

One beautiful morning on Red River in Harwich Port, MA I found this heron fishing. Morning light and shadow provided a great backdrop for the algae, grass, and seaweed-covered mud banks where he prowled.
Original Acrylic framed. $1550